The pessimist or optimist quiz!

Find out whether you see life as a pessimist or an optimist in this cool quiz!😀

Created by Shadow (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

Do you see the glass as half full or half empty?

Why do bad things happen?

Are you a loner?

You are going to go to a store. When you get there, the line for food is really long. What do you do?

You hear your name in class. The teacher is calling you. What do you think first?

Do you think this quiz is a waste of time? ( answer honestly)

You are a pessimist

You are a pessimist

You see the world as a chance to fail and are a very low- key kind of person. Perfering to stay a loner, you look at things with a negative outlook.

You are an optimist

You are an optimist

You see the world as a good place with new possibilities. You have a happy outlook and are motivated and bright.

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