How many kids will you have?
How many kids will you have?
Take the quiz to calculate how many spawn you will have.
Take the quiz to calculate how many spawn you will have.
How many kids do you want to have?
How many kids do you currently have?
Pick a restaurant.
Pick a vehicle.
What's you relationship status?
Would you rather have boys or girls?
Enjoy being rich and free. You many be single or in a relationship, but you will never have any children.
You will only have one child. After you have it don't even bother trying for more. Maybe get your child a dog for companionship instead of another human.
You will have two children. They may be twins or singles, but two is the right number for you.
You will have three kids, but you only have 2 hands, so good luck.
You will have four kids. Enjoy your insanity.
five or more
five or more
You will have five or more kids. You are very fertile and clearly have a lot of fun in the bedroom. No offense, but odds are you are Mexican.