97% Of Trump Supporters Answered These 16 Questions Correctly. Can You?
97% Of Trump Supporters Answered These 16 Questions Correctly. Can You?
"Can you nail it bigly?"
"Can you nail it bigly?"

Christmas commemorates the _____ of Jesus.
When was Jesus born?
Which of the following is NOT a Jewish holiday?
What is the world's largest religion?
Hinduism is based on teachings attributed to the Buddha.
What was Jesus’ occupation before entering public ministry?
What is the foundational text of Judaism?
In Christianity, 'The Gospel' means:
The ancient scriptures of Hinduism are in:
Muslims consider Muhammad to be:
Jesus was trialed and sentenced by the:
Jesus walked on what body of water?
Which of the following is NOT a Christian holiday?
In what year was Jesus Crucified?
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary laws is known as:
What are the main sources for the biography of Jesus?
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Nailed it!! You are definitely a Trump Supporter!!
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Failed:( You're definitely NOT a Trump Supporter!!
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