Can You Get A Perfect Score In This Unique IQ Exam?
Can You Get A Perfect Score In This Unique IQ Exam?
You have to get at least 8/10 correctly in order to pass this one.
You have to get at least 8/10 correctly in order to pass this one.
Horse is to Mare as...
What color do you get from mixing blue and yellow?
Pick the odd one out:
Which of the following is not a mammal?
"The rat is chasing the cat." The word rat is a...
Any number multiplied by 0 is 0.
What is the process of a gas turning to liquid?
Which one of the four is least like the other three?
What kind of animal is a frog?
Foresight is to anticipation as insomnia is to _____.
Wow!! You got a perfect score!!
Wow!! You got a perfect score!!
You’re officially a genius!!
You are logical and insightful in your way of thinking, you learn new things quickly and with little practice, and you have a highly advanced comprehension of nuances.
This unique IQ exam was given to 100 American college students and only 3 passed. SHARE it to test your friends.
Total Failure!!
Total Failure!!
You totally flunked this IQ quiz!! Try again, and share it to test your friends.