Every American Should Score 10/10 In This Quiz
Every American Should Score 10/10 In This Quiz
We gave this basic test to 100 American high school students and nobody scored 10/10. Make a run at it, and remember this: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
We gave this basic test to 100 American high school students and nobody scored 10/10. Make a run at it, and remember this: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."

Yosemite National Park is located in:
What is the capital of Washington State?
What is the abbreviation for Missouri?
Which of the following states has a coastline on the Arctic Ocean?
Which of the following doesn't have a coastline on the Golf of Mexico?
Where was George Washington born?
Which of the following is not one of the Great Lake states?
What is the capital of Georgia?
Where is the Black Rock Desert located?
What is the largest lake in the USA?
Way to go! You got a PERFECT score! We gave this basic test to 100 American high school students and not even ONE scored 10/10. You love history and geography. You keep an open mind, and are self-disciplined and ambitious. You maintain that respect has to be given to be received, and that good decisions lead to prosperity. Keep up the good work, and SHARE this 10-question drill to test every American you know.
By the way, based on your general knowledge, we bet you were born in the Midwest. Let us know in the comments if we’re spot on.
That’s the way to go! You score 9/10. You must have been a Straight-A student in high school. You are committed to learning, and you embody the persistence and flexibility of historians, geographers, and scientists. SHARE this 10-question drill to test every American you know.
By the way, based on your general knowledge, we bet you were born in the Southeast. Let us know in the comments if we’re spot on.
You almost passed. Give this 10-question drill another try, and SHARE it to test every American you know.
By the way, based on your general knowledge, we bet you were born in the Northeast. Let us know in the comments if we’re spot on.
You totally failed this one. You really need to brush up on U.S. history and geography. SHARE this 10-question drill to test every American you know.