No One Can Get 10/10 In This General Knowledge Test From 1924
No One Can Get 10/10 In This General Knowledge Test From 1924
We gave this test to 120 high school students and the highest score was 6/10. Can you raise the bar?
We gave this test to 120 high school students and the highest score was 6/10. Can you raise the bar?
1 / 10
Anna Karenina is a book by _____.
2 / 10
Who invented the printing press?
3 / 10
The First World War ended in ____.
4 / 10
Who is Hamlet?
5 / 10
What is the national currency of the USSR?
6 / 10
Europe's longest river is the _____.
7 / 10
Athena is the goddess of _____.
8 / 10
What continent is covered in ice?
9 / 10
A pentagon is a _____ sided polygon.
10 / 10
Who helped drive the English from French soil in the 15th century?
Questions left
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