Only People With High IQ Will Get 10/10 In This Mixed General Knowledge Test
Only People With High IQ Will Get 10/10 In This Mixed General Knowledge Test
You need to get at least 7/10 correctly in order to pass this test.
You need to get at least 7/10 correctly in order to pass this test.

What is the currency of India and Pakistan?
What type of animal is Bambi?
Which actress played Frances Houseman in "Dirty Dancing"?
Whats the capital of Uruguay?
Which sport features the terms: love, deuce, fault, serve and volley?
What is the religion of the Dalai Lama?
Which planet did Superman come from?
What is "Texas Hold’em"?
Which of the following Presidents is not carved on Mount Rushmore?
Who wrote Snow White?
Congratulations! You got a perfect score! Only 1% of the population can score this high. Based on this study, your IQ range is “Very Superior”. You’re quick to understand. You’re curious and intrinsically motivated. Like most geniuses, you’re a perfectionist, you have a fear of failure, you’re stubborn and highly sensitive, and your mind is full of ideas.
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Phenomenal! You’re a maverick! Only 2% of the population can score this high. You must be highly intelligent and widely read. SHARE this Mixed Knowledge Quiz to test your friends.
Hot stuff! You’re amazing! Only 3% of the population can score this high. Like most geniuses, you must be funny, eccentric, and intellectual. SHARE this Mixed Knowledge Quiz to test your friends.
Not bad... but could be better, right?? SHARE this Mixed Knowledge Quiz to test your friends.