We Can Guess Who Was Your First Man
We Can Guess Who Was Your First Man
We will accurately guess with whom you lost your virginity.
We will accurately guess with whom you lost your virginity.

Based on a series of random questions, we will figure out with whom you lost your virginity. Are you willing to give us the keys? Buckle up...
How often do you pray?
How often do you watch porn?
How often do you smoke pot?
How often do you lie?
How often do you consume alcoholic drinks?
Have you ever had sexual intercourse with a virgin?
Have you ever traveled over 50 miles for the sole purpose of intercourse?
Have you ever used three or more recreational drugs in one night?
Have you ever had sex in a car?
Have you ever engaged in group sex?
Have you ever cheated on your significant other?
Your first was an all-American guy
Your first was an all-American guy
You lost your virginity with an autonomous, self-directed all-American man. He was one of those guys who could do anything they wanted, but always followed the rule of law. He loved his job, and he wanted to be good at relationships.
Do you remember his name? Let us know in the comments, and share this test to find out whom your friends lost their virginity with.
Your first was a metrosexual guy
Your first was a metrosexual guy
You lost your virginity with a metrosexual man. He was incredibly fussy about his grooming and looks, and spent most of his time and money on shopping. He wanted you to remember that the creation of beauty is art.
Do you remember his name? Let us know in the comments, and share this test to find out whom your friends lost their virginity with.
Your first was a cowboy
Your first was a cowboy
You lost your virginity with a good ol’ cowboy. He waited for you in big boots and a cowboy hat. He loved hard work and nature, and he wasn’t a big talker. That Cowboy belonged to a dying breed, so if you catch another one, you better hold on!!
Do you remember his name? Let us know in the comments, and share this test to find out whom your friends lost their virginity with.
Your first was a beach babe
Your first was a beach babe
You lost your virginity with a beach babe. Everybody thought he was lazy and dumb, but he was actually one of those guys who had the courage to charge the big waves, and the patience to keep going. Sounds like a lot of fun:)
Do you remember his name? Let us know in the comments, and share this test to find out whom your friends lost their virginity with.
Your first was a Latin hunk
Your first was a Latin hunk
You lost your virginity with a sexy, passionate Latino. He was sensitive, sensual, and family oriented, and he spoke the language of love. He had a ton of affection for you. Te amo, Hermosa!!
Do you remember his name? Let us know in the comments, and share this test to find out whom your friends lost their virginity with.
Your first was a young professional
Your first was a young professional
You lost your virginity with a busy and ambitious young professional. He was passionate, self-disciplined, and resilient. Lucky you... Your first was a kind, patient, team-player:)
Do you remember his name? Let us know in the comments, and share this test to find out whom your friends lost their virginity with.
Your first was a hipster
Your first was a hipster
You lost your virginity with a hipster. He rode a bike, read poetry, and drank a lot of coffee. He was one of those guys who loved romantic old-school dates. He wanted you to know that "when two people love each other they don't look at each other, they look in the same direction."
Do you remember his name? Let us know in the comments, and share this test to find out whom your friends lost their virginity with.