We Gave This Difficult Spelling Test To 50 People And Only 2 Got A Perfect Score
We Gave This Difficult Spelling Test To 50 People And Only 2 Got A Perfect Score
You are literally a genius if you get a perfect score.
You are literally a genius if you get a perfect score.

Perfect Score!!
Perfect Score!!
You really aced this one!! You are sharp-eyed and insightful. Your highly-developed spelling skills set you apart from 99.9% of the population. You have a superior ability to reason and a very vivid imagination. Your vocabulary is rich and extensive, and you have a heightened sensitivity to your surroundings. Your score also exhibits a great deal of curiosity and intellectual playfulness. Share this difficult spelling test with everyone you know. Only 2 in 50 people will score as high as you did.
You failed:(
You failed:(
You totally flunked this spelling test! You must an eccentric artist. You constantly daydream, you think abstractly, and pay no attention to useless detail. Are we dead-on? Do people actually perceive you as a bohemian with unconventional social habits? Share the quiz to let us know.