What's you spirit animal?
What's you spirit animal?
Which animal do you have inside of you? (By the way these are pet animals!)
Which animal do you have inside of you? (By the way these are pet animals!)
You are watching TV when a dumb show comes on, and the remote is too far away.
Describe your friend group.
What's your favourite thing?
This is...
What's your favourite sport?
Cleanliness is to you...
Pick your favourite wild animal.
What's your favourite character?
What is your greatest flaw?
If you could own any pet, what would you own?
You are a dog! You are energetic, playful, fun and loyal. You love having company, and friends around you. Happy and very intelligent, you are helpful and kind. You are very good at telling people's emotions and are incredibly friendly!
You are a cat! Slightly lazy but also playful, you are an introvert. Although you can be shy you can also be friendly and fun (especially with known friends). Good with people you know, you are independent but do enjoy company at times.
You are a bird! You are chirpy and playful, although you are a bit careful and wary of some things. Free and dreamy, you sometimes have your head in the clouds. But that doesn't mean you don't like to have fun!
You are a ferret! You are high energy and mishchievious, and you work best in a group. You can sometimes be sneaky, naughty and are very talkative, but you are always loving and friendly! You're very open to meeting new people and exploring!
You are a fish! A little bit forgetful but still happy, fun and friendly, and you like to be with others (but you can get on without them if needed to). You love swimming and playing in the water, and are a bit careful around strangers. But who isn't?
You are a rabbit! You love to meet new people and are fun and playful. A little naughty at times but usually very sweet, you like to try new things and get up to mischief with your friends.