Which Mythical Creature are YOU?

Have you ever wondered what type of mythical creature you are? Then take this quiz and find out!

Created by ToothlessTheNightFury (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 9, 2016

What's your favourite animal?

Choose a cake.

You are in a small shop when someone with a gun bursts in and yells, "This is a hold-up! Drop to the floor!" You...

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

You are in class doing a worksheet when you notice the teacher secretly eating a pack of chocolates. You

You have a new kid in your classroom. You...

Your favourite form of exercise is...

What cartoon animal is your favourite?

What do you like to wear?

What's your favourite quote? (out of these)



You are a phoenix! Phoenixes are free, dreamy, smart and beautiful. They live for ages, but when they die they burst into flame and come back alive. They also can control fire. Phoenixes are amazing fliers.



You are a dragon! Dragons are smart, powerful, majestic and loyal once befriended. They can breathe things like fire, water, ice or poison (fire is most common) and are very strong. Dragons are amazing fliers.



You are a unicorn! Unicorns are smart, beautiful, kind and rare. They can do magical things with their horns, and can heal any wound. They are very fast, and can easily attack when threatened.



You are a pegasus! Pegasus are wary, beautiful, chirpy and energetic. They are amazing, graceful and agile fliers. They are cautious of strangers, but are very friendly and playful when befriended.



You are a siren! Sirens are cheeky, playful, clever, tricky and a little nasty. They are great swimmers and can sing a song that hypnotises men. They love playing pranks and tricking people (especially sailors!).



You are a fairy! Fairies are delicate, sweet, kind and fun. They can fly and do spells with their wands. Fairies love helping people and doing good deeds, but they can be wary of strangers.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021