Are you a type A or type B traveller?
Are you a type A or type B traveller?
Everyone likes to travel differently. Some like to go with the flow, while others like to plan well and squeeze every drop out of their trip they can. Let's find out if you're more of a Type A or Type B traveller.
Everyone likes to travel differently. Some like to go with the flow, while others like to plan well and squeeze every drop out of their trip they can. Let's find out if you're more of a Type A or Type B traveller.

Let's start with the travel basics. When are you booking your trip?
It's time to pack! How are you doing it?
You forgot your eye mask and you want to sleep on the flight. What do you do?
You've arrived! Where to now?
Oh no, you're at the Colosseum and realise you've forgotten your camera! You...
You're dying to try this gelato place you read about online but no one wants to come with you. The obvious choice is...
Time has flown and you only have one day left of your holiday! How do you spend it?
Type A
Type A
The Type A traveller tends to be outgoing, impatient, organised and more competitive with those around them (who got more likes on the airport check in huh?). You love planning ahead and aren't too flexible when it comes to surprises which can lead to a bit of stress. Someone has to lead the group though and the right person for the job is YOU!
Your perfect trip: European Vista
Type B
Type B
The Type B traveller is chilled, laid back and live at a slower pace. A natural dreamer, you won't give into stressful situations when travelling and have great creative ability (which means you're a pro at getting everything to fit in your suitcase). You might be more of a follower than a leader, but you're here for a good time and that's all that matters!
Your Perfect Trip: Trails, Turtles and Treks