Who Is Your Disney Spirit Animal?
Who Is Your Disney Spirit Animal?
Find out which Disney animal best represents you!
Find out which Disney animal best represents you!

Are you a morning person?
Which do you prefer?
Which do you use most?
Where would you like to call home?
Who would be your sidekick?
Which culture fascinates you the most?
Which Disney villain would be your nemesis?
What would you rather eat?
Are you a "big picture" type of person?
Who is your favorite human Disney character?
The Lion!
The Lion!
Mufasa, Sarabi, Nala, and Simba - just to name a few - are fantastic examples of your Disney spirit animal - The Lion! Tough on the outside with the heart of a lion, you are an intimidating and commanding presence that rules not by fear - but through compassion and respect. You strive for greatness and expect the same in others, and are a natural born leader. Others
The Dalmation!
The Dalmation!
Extremely loyal and family oriented, all of Disney's 101 Dalmatians are excellent examples of your Disney Spirit Animal! For you, no matter the situation, family comes first - and you are willing to do whatever it takes to protect your own. This may lead you to be a bit quick to judge others outside of your comfort zone, but your instincts are rarely wrong and you've rarely been steered wrong by what your gut tells you.
The Cat!
The Cat!
Everybody wants to be a cat, baby! And you - you are an Aristocat through and through! Colorful yet upscale, you wear terms like "posh" and "fancy" and make them look good! You take pride in your physical appearance (as you should!) and absolutely love a good meal or bit of retail therapy.
The Deer!
The Deer!
The Deer! Empathetic, emotionally tuned, and very naturalistic - You are a child of this Earth first and anything else comes second. You belong in nature, and any prolonged amount of time indoors may lead to you feeling trapped or incomplete. With that being said, you also tend to be a product of your environment - The "mood" of a place or room will directly affect your own, which leads you to surround yourself with positive, forward-thinking people.