Whats your starter pokemon?
Whats your starter pokemon?
In 5 easy questions you can find out what pokemon you should've started with!
In 5 easy questions you can find out what pokemon you should've started with!
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Charmanders are actually the most commonly chosen starter pokemon! This red Pokemon is a lizard Pokemon with strong fire powers, as well as hidden solar ones. Its name is a combination of "char" (burned) and "salamander." The flame on its tail represents his health and emotions: The brighter it burns, the healthier, stronger, and happier your Charmander is. The fire goes out when it dies. You can find it in hot, mountainous areas, although it's much more likely to be working with a trainer. Charmander is more of a team player, favoring a pack mentality; for example, when it finds food, it'll call to others of its species to share in the bounty. Charmander evolves into Charmeleon, then Charizard, and lastly Mega Charizard
Bulbasaur comes ion 2nd place for most commonly chosen, Bulbasaur is considered a grass or seed Pokemon — an appropriate name, considering it can survive for days on sunlight and nothing else, thanks to the bulb on its back. The bulb is planted at birth and grows as Bulbasaur grows, storing up energy from the suns rays. This Pokemon evolves into Ivysaur, followed by Venusaur.
Squirtles come in last place for most commonly chosen. Don't let this cute little one fool you: Its most powerful weapon is water. When they feel threatened, they retreat into their shells like a normal turtle; but they also shoot water from their mouths with immense force. Their shells not only provide protection — they also minimize friction underwater, making Squirtle an incredibly fast swimmer. Squirtle eventually evolves in Wartortle, and then Blastoise.