Which Les Miserables Character Are You?
Which Les Miserables Character Are You?
Find out which of the many interesting characters and personalities from the hit novel and production Les Mis you identify with most!
Find out which of the many interesting characters and personalities from the hit novel and production Les Mis you identify with most!
Have you/would you ever consider lying, stealing, or performing illegal acts such as selling drugs or prostitution to gain money?
Do you often trust people you hardly know and believe humanity to be kind for the most part?
Do you believe that you would be a better person or be a hero if not for the circumstances in which you live?
Do you often lose yourself and become distracted when in love?
What do you long for in life?
You think of yourself as an idealist, and do not handle loss or irreversible issues well. You dream of a perfect life and do not think much of the obstacles that need to be passed to achieve that life.
You feel that your life is too different from what you wanted for you to ever achieve your dreams.
You believe that your parents are proud of you OR would be proud of you if they were still around.
You would say that you are a people person and often enjoy the company of others. You are more energized and happier when surrounded by human life.
You can admit to having held a person up on a pedestal so much so that they controlled your life.
You sometimes question how much you actually know about life and whether or not your contributions to society have been for the right cause.
Lastly, do you enjoy learning more about yourself and gaining confidence from this knowledge?
Eponine Thenardier
Eponine Thenardier
Life has not always treated you fairly or given you everything that you ever dreamed of on a silver platter, but you make do with the situation that you have been born into. However, the one thing that is difficult for you to come across is pure happiness. Your heart is gold underneath, but sometimes all that people ever bother to see is the first impression you give off. You have a loving heart, but often feel unloved or misunderstood. You have always been much more fragile than you ever let others see, much like Eponine.
Jean Valjean
Jean Valjean
It seems that your life will always be full of one thing--trouble. It is because of this that you are thankful for the people and things you can depend on. With a heart as giving as yours, you may find that you are willing to take risks that others are too afraid to take, and this can obviously be a good or bad thing. You trust very easily, but are ready to defend your heart and your life should the time come.
Much like Cosette, you are very trusting of people, and generally quite forgiving and kind-hearted (considering Cosette's ability to put her abusive parents behind her). You are quite loveable and personable, an easy shoulder to cry on and are very easy to get along with. It is difficult for you to annoy someone, and you often draw romantic interest because of this. All in all, you are quite intellegent, and an all around very principled person.
Marius Pontmercy
Marius Pontmercy
You feel lucky to be where you are in life, and do what you can to fight for those less fortunate than you. Though you dream of leaving behind a legacy and fighting for a cause alongside your friends, sometimes you need to remember to take care of yourself and slow down. You dream of a perfect future for yourself, and find it difficult to see possible consequences of your actions. You are very passionate and hopeful, much like Marius.
Madame Thenardier
Madame Thenardier
For whatever reason, you seem to have ended up far from where you expected to see yourself by now. It's easy to be unhappy when you feel like the laziest scum on the earth--and it's possible that you are. You are powerful and assertive, yet sometimes you see yourself as obnoxious instead and doubt that you could ever be loved. You once longed for the ideal life, but perhaps reality has hit you a little too quickly, and you can hardly recognize yourself in the mirror these days because of your choices.
Look on the bright side--without people like you, the police wouldn't be able to make any money for their families! You really don't think much of yourself at all, and so you have resorted to not taking any risks at all and becoming as cheap as you believe you are. You are quite the charismatic person, and enjoy entertaining, but you live to stir trouble. However, maybe society should just mind it's own business--as long as you're happy, there's no stopping you.
There are few people as dedicated to order and service as you are. You are fit for authority, and have a good sense of judgement. However, it is hard for you to touch into your feelings sometimes. You think from your mind and logic much more than your heart, and are not distracted by emotional matters. Despite this, your heart is pure, and you are very honorable. You mean no harm, though people often get the wrong impression.
You are very practical, and have a fair knowledge of life. However, you tend to throw yourself into where your heart tells you to go too quickly, and it lands you in trouble. You are very nurturing and have an amazing capacity to give and receive love, and are very fond of society...that is until you get a taste of cold hard reality someday. Just try to avoid that and be at peace--which is exactly what you deserve.