Have you ever heard of Nintendo's EARTHBOUND AND MOTHER games. You probably know them from SUPER SMASH BRO.S. Here we will tell you what character you are from these game titles.

Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 19, 2015

What Element are you most drawn to?

Which are you most scared of?

If you randomly disappeared one day which color would you want to be remembered as/by?

You are walking on a old wooden bridge and three of the pieces of wood fall to eternal darkness under you what do you do?

If you snap your fingers and automatically you would have one of these which would it be?

What activity seems most enjoyable to do in your free-time?



You are outgoing and adventurous. No challenge is too big for you and you always make the people around you feel happy and joyous.



You are fun and jumpy but are also sad because you are left in the shadow of Ness and no one really seems to notice you. You just wish to prove yourself to the rest of the world of how great you really can be.



You are emotionally challenged due to your mom dying in your young age. Your brother was killed and turned into a war crazed robot that you didn't even recognize it to be him at first. You like to just stay in the corner of the room, not really speaking to anyone just thinking to yourself, but you have a small light burning inside of you full of passion that is growing bigger.



You are kind and thoughtful, able to see the big picture and the goodness in people. You are calm and love to take care of people and talk to people of their troubles. Calm is one word to describe you.



You are sweet but can really pack a punch when you need to. You love to just get out there and try new things. When someone can't get through an obstacle in life you like to show them how to work through it and then let them try.



You love to show people girls aren't all just princesses waiting for their prince charming. You are really outgoing and hyper. You only care about those who are close to you. You love to overcome obstacles.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021