What Should You Really Be Having For Breakfast?
What Should You Really Be Having For Breakfast?
Feeling short of time or unsatisfied with your current breakfast regime? Take this quiz to find the best solution for you!
Feeling short of time or unsatisfied with your current breakfast regime? Take this quiz to find the best solution for you!

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
What does your morning routine look like?
Where do you usually eat breakfast?
Sweet or savory?
How do you get to work?
Be honest... Do you eat 5+ a day?
Do you ever feel low on energy?
What's your pet peeve about cooking?
Get a green smoothie in your life ASAP!
Get a green smoothie in your life ASAP!
There's no better way to start your day than sipping on a green smoothie for brekkie! Cleanse your body, get energised and maybe shed some kilos while you’re at it. Blending leafy greens with your favourite fruits and superfoods is the easiest way to boost your daily mineral and vitamin intake, which your body and energy levels will thank you for. Discover how to get green smoothie recipes and superfood ingredients delivered to your door: www.craftsmoothie.co.nz/how-it-works
Stop beating around the bush, get a berry smoothie in ya!
Stop beating around the bush, get a berry smoothie in ya!
Blueberries, banana, cacao and almonds… This berry smoothie has your name on it! You can’t go past a berry breakfast smoothie to support your busy lifestyle. Big on antioxidants and big on flavour, combining your favourite berries with the right superfoods will make for an unbeatable breakfast and help get your healthy lifestyle on the right track. Discover how to get berry smoothie recipes and superfood ingredients delivered to your door: www.craftsmoothie.co.nz/how-it-works
Don't underestimate the banana smoothie!
Don't underestimate the banana smoothie!
Something tells me a banana breakfast smoothie should be your go-to! Nutritious and delicious, bananas are rich in essential nutrients and taste brilliant smoothie when blended with almost any fruit or superfood! Plus they’re low in calories and high in fibre, making banana smoothies the perfect breakfast to support loss and your busy lifestyle. Discover how to get banana smoothie recipes and superfood ingredients delivered to your door: www.craftsmoothie.co.nz/how-it-works