Which football position matches your personality?

Football is a game for a variety of sizes and styles, but which position on the field best suits you? Take our test and find out...

Michael Craig
Created by Michael Craig
On Feb 24, 2017

How much do you like contact in sports?

Do you work better alone or in a team?

What do you prefer to watch?

Are you a leader or a follower?

How easily to you settle into new situations?

What type of weather suits you better?

Other than football, what's your favorite sport?



You're a natural leader who is happy to take responsibility for yourself and others. You can take the knocks if you have to, but like to be appreciated for your good work.



You're a passionate person who attacks life full force. You don't mind mixing it up and getting your hands dirty. Not everyone can handle you, but you don't care.

Left Tackle

Left Tackle

You are protective by nature, wanting to take care of your friends and family. You take everything that life throws at you, and rarely get knocked down. You're a strong person.

Wide Receiver

Wide Receiver

You're a closer by nature, someone who finishes tasks and makes sure the job gets done. You're flamboyant and extroverted. You like to talk, and to celebrate your success.



You like getting really good at something, rather than dabbling in lots of different things. You're cool and calm by nature, and perform your best when the pressure is greatest.



You're a Mr Fixit, the person who covers for everyone else when things go wrong. You're a strong person and personality, who can be fiesty but is a natural leader.

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