11 Of The Weirdest Corn Maze Tributes Ever
11 Of The Weirdest Corn Maze Tributes Ever
Corn mazes come in all shapes and sizes, and thanks to the magical world of Twitter, here are 11 of the most unique.
Corn mazes come in all shapes and sizes, and thanks to the magical world of Twitter, here are 11 of the most unique.

This unique tribute to the brave firefighters from Fort McMurray:
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Celebrating Rugby Victory:
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Canadians Love Their Sports Mazes...
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In our hearts forever, in our corn for another week.
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Super Mario Bros
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Ode to Grizzlies:
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Ode To Grizzlies Part II:
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50 Years Of Star Trek In Corn
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See America!
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When you love the Cavs so much...
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And finally, the cutest corn maze ever, The Peanuts!
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