Only The Very Best Trainers Can Tell If Each Of These Pokémon Is Ice-Type, Water-Type, Or Both!
Only The Very Best Trainers Can Tell If Each Of These Pokémon Is Ice-Type, Water-Type, Or Both!
Actual seals live in the water, but what does that mean for Seel? Test your Pokemon prowess here!
Actual seals live in the water, but what does that mean for Seel? Test your Pokemon prowess here!

Created by Calvin Straw
On Jan 11, 2022
1 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Glalie?
2 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Shellder?
3 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Dewgong?
4 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Samurott?
5 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Cubchoo?
6 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Oshawott?
7 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Seel?
8 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Lapras?
9 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Cloyster?
10 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Spheal?
11 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Beartic?
12 / 12
What type of Pokemon is Piplup?
Questions left
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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021