The Colors In These Famous Paintings Will Tell You What Kind Of Genius You Are!
The Colors In These Famous Paintings Will Tell You What Kind Of Genius You Are!
The colors you're drawn to have quite a lot to say about how your mind works. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. Find out what kind of genius you are here!
The colors you're drawn to have quite a lot to say about how your mind works. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. Find out what kind of genius you are here!

What color stands out most to you in Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh?
What color stands out most to you in The Scream by Edvard Munch?
What color stands out most to you in That Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci?
What color stands out most to you in The Girl With The Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer?
What color stands out most to you in The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali?
What color stands out most to you in The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli?
What color stands out most to you in The Kiss by Gustav Klimt?
What color stands out most to you in A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat?
What color stands out most to you in The Son of Man by Rene Magritte?
What color stands out most to you in The Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso?
What color stands out most to you in Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet?
You're A Creative Genius!
You're A Creative Genius!
You're a creative genius! You have an affinity for all things original and new. You can build something beautiful out of nothing, and your mind is a constant explosion of unique ideas and really big pictures. Do you think you're a creative genius? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they think!
You're A Verbal Genius!
You're A Verbal Genius!
You're a verbal genius! When it comes to finding the right word or phrase, you always seem to know automatically. And whenever you put pen to paper, you're sure to write down something that's not only perfectly cogent and functional but something that's also quite beautiful. Do you think you're a verbal genius? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they think!
Your A Mathematical Genius!
Your A Mathematical Genius!
You're a mathematical genius! You've always had a head for numbers, but that's not all you can do. You have the potential to make numbers work for you and the rest of humanity in new and exciting ways as well as finding ways to make old math make life better today. Do you think you're a mathematical genius? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they think!
You're A Mechanical Genius!
You're A Mechanical Genius!
You're a mechanical genius. You're a fixer, an inventor, and a dreamer. You've always had the golden touch when it comes to repairs around the house or exciting science projects, but you can also use your engineering prowess to find new solutions to practical problems in today's busy world. Do you think you're a mechanical genius? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they think!
You're An Intuitive Genius!
You're An Intuitive Genius!
You're an intuitive genius! You're basically psychic, and you always seem to know exactly what and how people are thinking. Combined with empathy, your intuition will help you become an emotional aid in times of trouble. Combined with ambition, it could make you a politician that could change the world. Do you think you're an intuitive genius? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they think!