This Color Test Will Determine What Kind Of Emotional Intelligence You Have!
This Color Test Will Determine What Kind Of Emotional Intelligence You Have!
There are many types of intelligence, but which type of emotional intelligence do you specialize in? The colors you see first will tell you!
There are many types of intelligence, but which type of emotional intelligence do you specialize in? The colors you see first will tell you!

Which color stands out most to you?
Which color stands out most to you?
Which color stands out most to you?
Which color stands out to you most?
Which color stands out to you most?
Which color stands out to you most?
Which color stands out to you most?
Which color stands out most to you?
Your sense of humor makes up the greatest part of your emotional intelligence! You can always find the joy in a situation or at the very least the irony, and your ability to package it in a neat one liner that perfectly sums up the feeling of a room is truly what makes you emotionally intelligent!
Your ability to communicate is what makes up the greatest part of your emotional intelligence! You have a highly valuable ability to articulate your own thoughts and feelings and understand the thoughts and feelings of others. Your communication skills make it easy for you to both hear and be heard.
Your emotional intelligence is largely made up of kindness, making you a truly rare soul. You may not always understand why the world is the way it is or why people behave in the ways they do, but you do know the value of a kind word or action can have much further reaching consequences than other people may understand.
The greatest part of your emotional intelligence is your imagination. You can create whole worlds and imagine a million different possibilities for every situation you encounter. You can also use that imagination to try and understand how other people may be feeling. Your imagination can also be empathy which is a truly magnificent combination!
Your greatest sense of emotional intelligence is your grounding. You are firmly planted on your own two feet, and your head is on your shoulders. You have a highly accurate sense of what is happening around you and how people are feeling around you. Your sense of grounding can also help those in your presence feel safe and solid, too.
Your greatest emotional intelligence is your creativity! You can look at any situation from many angles, and you also have the ability to turn different situations to the advantage of everyone! Your creativity will help you come up with smart solutions to any problem you may face!