Who's Your Hungry Persona?
Who's Your Hungry Persona?
Hunger can transform you into a completely different person, but what does that look like for you? Find out here!
Hunger can transform you into a completely different person, but what does that look like for you? Find out here!

Pick a gif to describe how hangry you get when you're hungry:
How often do you feel hungry to the point of it affecting your behavior?
Pick a gif to describe how low your energy gets when you're hungry:
How many meals do you typically feel like you need to eat in a day?
Pick a gif to describe how much you cry when you're hungry:
Which of the following words do you feel most accurately describes you when you're hungry?
Pick a gif to describe how pathetic you look when you're hungry:
Have your friends ever used any of the following words to describe you when you're hungry?
When you get hungry, you are the living, breathing definition of HANGRY. We're talking a broody, quick-to-lash-out, stick-em-up style cowboy of hunger and rage who would hold up a saloon and steal nothing but a full pot of chili. Do you think we got it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to find out who their hungry persona is!
Rip Van Twinkie
Rip Van Twinkie
Eating, at the end of the day, is all about putting energy into our bodies so that we can be our best and do great work. But you seem to need food for energy more than others somehow. When you get hungry, you basically get so sleepy you start sinking into the floor and the only way to get you back up again is to hand you a nice taco. Do you think we got it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to find out who their hungry persona is!
When you get hungry, you kind of turn into a stress monster. It's not that you're necessarily hangry. It's more that you can't think straight and start getting kinda freaked out, often resulting in lashing out at others around you, uncontrollable sobbing, and then finally tears of gratitude when you finally get to sink your teeth into a hamburger. Do you think we got it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to find out who their hungry persona is!
Oliver Twix
Oliver Twix
When you're hungry, you're not just low energy, you're straight-up sad, like Dickensian orphan sad. People take one look at your hungry face and immediately want to give you their entire sandwich out of a deep pity for your parentless plight. Do you think we got it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to find out who their hungry persona is!