How well do you know the lyrics to the music of ‘West Side Story’?
How well do you know the lyrics to the music of ‘West Side Story’?
Feeling pretty?
Feeling pretty?
![Entertainment Weekly](
When you’re a Jet, you’re a Jet all the way,
from ____________ to ____________!
Will it be? Yes it will. ________________, it'll be there!
Maria! Say it loud and ____________; say it soft and ____________
I like the shores of America!
Comfort is yours in America!
_____________ in America!
_____________ in America!
Don’t get hot, ‘cause man, you got ____________
Have you met my good friend Maria,
the ______________________?
You’ll know her the minute you see her,
she’s the one ______________________!
Gee, Office Krupke, ______________________.
‘Cause no one wants ______________________!
Make of our hands one hand,
make of our hearts one heart,
Oh moon, grow bright, and _______________________
He’ll murder your love, _______________.
There’s a time for us, someday a time for us.
Time together ____________, time to learn, ____________