Kip Moore's Surfing Playlist
Kip Moore's Surfing Playlist
Country rocker Kip Moore shares a playlist of his favorite surfing tunes.
Country rocker Kip Moore shares a playlist of his favorite surfing tunes.

Jack Johnson, "Better Together"
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“I like Jack Johnson, it’s a certain mood kind of thing. I park out—I go to Maui and I pull out to Honolulu Bay, it’s breathtaking and it’s on this cliff looking down at these waves—and I pull out to watch what the surf is doing. I like the watch the energy of the waves. And I’ll kick on this record and it fits.”
Sam Cooke, "Good Times"
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"This one just puts you in a happy place. 'Bring It All Home' is my favorite Sam Cooke track but this one, it feels right."
Stevie Wonder, “Signed, Sealed, Delivered”
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"I think about hiking down that cliff—you’re walking down the side of that ridge—and it’ll just put you in that mellow vibe."
Maroon 5, “Sunday Morning”
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"Maroon 5 is kind of for after you’re done surfing. 'Sunday Morning' was off the first record, which was kind of acoustic-driven. For me, it’s just the nature of everything around you, it works out there."
Mumford & Sons, "The Cave"
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"I rode the wave of my life the last time I went out to Maui. I was watching this wave I was scared of the whole day—it was just so big and powerful and it’s a shallow reef. And by the end of the day, sun going down, it was just like there’s no way I was going to let myself leave without going for it. So I went down there and I was ready to die and I’d been listening to 'The Cave' and it's the kind of song that sticks with me when I’m actually on a wave. You can hear it, especially the end of it."
George Strait, “Marina Del Rey”
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"This is a personal thing for me. All the bouncing around that I’ve done and all the different surf spots that I’ve been to, I can remember hearing this one at a certain time when someone in my life had come and gone in a powerful way."
Waylon Jennings, "Lukenback Texas"
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"When I get out on Maui and I ride on the west side of the island, I always put this on. It just puts me in a state of peace."
Kings of Leon, “Back Down South”/“Pyro”
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"Me and my buddy were down in Costa Rica and played both of these on constant repeat when this record came out. And 'Back Down South' is such a connection with my hometown—I take little pieces of it with me when I go to these surf spots."
Dierks Bentley, "Free and Easy (Down The Road I Go)"
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"Ah man, I love this tune. Surfing is all about peace—it sounds super simple, but it’s always been elusive for me. I’m always chasing peace and freedom and, with that in mind, this is my favorite Dierks-song. Out with him this summer, this is the one I want to hear every night."
Little River Band, “Cool Change”
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"This is probably the most special of all of the songs here. My dad was a big Little River Band fan and I can remember him popping in his 8-track tapes and taking us down to the coast. He’s the reason I fell in love with the water."