Which ‘Legally Blonde’ law student are you?

This is going to be just like senior year, except for funner!

Entertainment Weekly
Created by Entertainment Weekly (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Blonde or brunette?

What’s your other favorite film of 2001?

Who is your favorite Founding Father?

Why did you decide to go to law school?

Who is your favorite Beatle?

You deserve a break from freezing Massachusetts! Where do you go?

What do you like to read the most?

Is orange the new pink?



You’re our heroine, Elle! You’re smart, hardworking, and a friend to everyone — but if you’re not pushing yourself, it’s easy for you to get caught up in your superficial SoCal lifestyle. Remember that you have so much to offer, and never let other people’s low expectations and anti-blonde discrimination hold you back!



You got Vivian! You can be a little bit pretentious (and you could use some mascara and some serious highlights), but that’s just your way of masking your insecurities. Deep down, you’re an extremely intelligent person with strong principles, and you’re capable of being a truly great friend if you give people a chance.



Looks like you’re Enid! You’ve spent years devoting your energies to important social causes, and your sincere desire to change the world for the better is admirable. But sometimes the view from that soapbox you’re on isn’t the clearest, so just remember not to immediately make assumptions or judge people too harshly — that’s the kind of thinking you’re trying to combat, after all.



Well, well, well, looks like we’ve got a Warner Huntington III on our hands. You can be, to use Elle’s phrase, a complete bonehead — but you don’t have to be! If you listen to your heart rather than the expectations of your image-obsessed family and stop valuing status over substance, you might still grow up and transcend your shortcomings. We have faith in you, Warner!

Dorky David

Dorky David

Ah, sweet David. You’re the smartest of the whole bunch, really, but can be terribly awkward in high-pressure situations. You’re a great friend, though, once you get to know someone — and all it takes is one friend (specifically, Elle, but another friend might work, too) to improve your luck with the ladies. We hope you never change, Dorky David!



Okay, so Emmett’s not exactly a student in the class of 2004, but he’s so dang loveable we just couldn’t help but include him here — and you got him! You’re ultra smart and very laid-back, but you’ve got to learn to keep your cynicism in check, dude — it turns out that there ARE some good people in the world!

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