Which RPG Class Are You?

Ever wanted to know what rpg class you're most like in real life?

Created by cryptiboy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 15, 2018
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When given a task, how do you prefer to approach it?

You just found out that someone you don’t know that well has upset your friend greatly. What do you do?

Imagine your parental unit/guardian has asked you to help them move an extremely large piece of furniture. What do you say?

Uh oh, zombies are real and deadly! What is your ultimate weapon of choice?

A moment of clumsiness has overtaken you, and you have somehow run into a pole, and immediately afterwards, have fallen from a small ledge. You are nowhere near critical condition, but it still did a lot of damage. How are you taking it?

You’ve run into one of those fabled nerds who grills people for trivia on merch they’re wearing. You happen to be wearing a shirt depicting your all time favorite piece of media, and the nerd has latched on. Do you know the arcane trivia?

Your friends have convinced you to play a game with them that involves a lot of running, jumping, and what might be considered parkour. How excited are you for this?

Some creepy dude is harassing your friend, and you see him try to grab at them. What do you do?

You’ve got a heavy beef with someone, and you’re just itching to mess with them. What’s your plan of action?

Overall, how do you feel about magic in games?

Nerf gun time! What’s your tactic?

Which classic RPG weapon is your favorite aesthetically?

Which general class do you enjoy playing most in RPGs?

Which general RPG class do you DISLIKE playing the most?

What do you feel like is your strongest attribute?

What sounds like the most fun activity to you?



Looks like you're a warrior! Also known as the "hero type", or more generally the fighter, you lead the team into battle, dishing out melee attacks with ease. The image of a knight with an enormous sword might come to mind, or perhaps the plucky teenager saving their friends, but that's not always the case! A warrior is someone who is not afraid to fight for what they believe in, who isn't afraid to get into the thick of things, and who has a fighting spirit.



Whaddup, you're a tank! Also known as a barbarian, or a berzerker, you're technically a subgroup of the warrior class, but you're also so much more than that! Able to take enormous amounts of damage, you shield your teammates, allowing them to do their thing while you hammer away at the enemy. You're also great for steadily tearing down enemy front lines, blazing the way for your team. A tank prioritizes their friend's safety over their own, and is willing to do anything to protect them.

Magic User

Magic User

Congrats, you're a magic user! There's an almost countless number of kinds of magic users, ranging from wizards, to sorcerers, to necromancers, to clerics, to many more. Magic users are a strong defense, usually chilling further in the back and casting high level spells. Magic users are also extremely versatile, usually having a good mix of offensive, defensive, and supportive spells in their repertoire. It takes a lot of work and effort to do magic, but you're more than happy for the challenge!



Looks like you're a ranger! (No, not quite like the park kind!) Rangers, also known as archers, are the main line of defense in most parties. Equipped with a bow and arrow (or a crossbow, or a sniper rifle), you sit at the back of the pack and pick off enemies one by one, all the while never getting hit yourself. You understand the importance of self preservation, and can often be the deciding factor to whether your team wins or loses.



Aah, thief! Just kidding, don't be fooled by the negative connotations of the name! Also known as thieves and assassins, rogues are the stealth of the party. With extremely high levels of dexterity, missions involving sneaking and fine tuning are right up your alley. This can include stealing, but can also include rescuing! A fighter barging in will only get them so far before they get caught, but with you in the party, you all may get in and out of the mission without the enemy ever noticing.



Did somebody call a medic? Medics, probably the most underappreciated rpg class in existence, are the ones in charge of healing the party. This does not always mean you're anti violence, though, as a lot of medics are fairly decent in combat. Without you, the party would perish, and you work as the backbone to the group. Your expertise in medicine and healing can be weaponized as well. Everyone's well-being is your priority, and you'll fiercely make sure of the party's survival.

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