Which Death Note Character Are You Most Like?
Which Death Note Character Are You Most Like?
Are you the quirky L, or are you the perceptive Light? (more characters included)
Are you the quirky L, or are you the perceptive Light? (more characters included)

Welcome to the quiz!
Someone offers you a snack. What would you like?
You see someone cheating in your class. What do you do?
Oooo- look! A puppy!
Well, snap. That previous puppy actually belongs to someone. What do you do now?
So- why are you really here?
What's your most annoying habit?
What's your favorite color?
Last question: You are the prophesied savior of a town. How do you react?
You are most like L.
You are most like L.
You are most like L. You are quirky, intelligent, inquisitive, and have little tolerance for stupidity on the job. You're Interpol's finest junk-food-loving, sugar cube stacking, cute detective that almost everyone adores.
You are most like Light.
You are most like Light.
You are most like Light. You are highly intelligent, polite to most people on the outside, and dedicated to your end goal. You hate injustice and let nothing stand in your way. With your crazy luck and devoted friends or family, there's nothing you can't accomplish.
You are most like Misa.
You are most like Misa.
You are most like Misa. You are sweet, devoted, and hate bad people. A lot of people underestimate you because you hang out with geniuses, which makes you look slightly dull in comparison. But that's okay- you have a heart of gold that no one can even come close to.
You are most like Matsuda.
You are most like Matsuda.
You're most like Matsuda. You're loyal, trust worthy, and have a much sweeter personality than most of your colleagues. You hate standing on the sidelines watching evil run rampant on the streets, so you make a stand against it in anyway you can. You're smart in your own right though some people might make fun of you. Hang in there- it can take awhile for people to understand that aspect about you!
You are most like Near.
You are most like Near.
You are most like Near. You have an intellect that would astound most people, very observant, and like to keep your mind and fingers busy whether it be playing puzzles or touching the chain from your necklace. You're reserved because you're so sensitive, but that isn't really a bad thing- it just means that you get back-stabbed less and when you commit to a friendship, there's no better friend than you.
You are most like Mello.
You are most like Mello.
You are most like Mello. You have a fiery spirit, a will of iron, and a plan of action. You're sometimes a bit rude, but that's because there are much more important things to be doing other than talking. You're quick and to the point, grabbing your chocolate bar and heading out the door to go kick the world in the rear end. That determination and your natural gut instincts are quite the devastating pair- be sure to use that energy of yours for good things!
You are most like Ryuk.
You are most like Ryuk.
You are most like Ryuk. You're everyone's favorite laid-back, easy-going, apple-eating, sarcastic shinigami. You keep your thoughts to yourself often, but when you do decide to share them, everyone pauses to listen because they're entertaining. You're very easily liked. Hanging out with your friends is what you do best.