Questions to see if you understand common sense
Questions to see if you understand common sense
Do You think you understand common sense perfectly?
Take this quiz and your answers will mark the top!
Do You think you understand common sense perfectly?
Take this quiz and your answers will mark the top!

An Icecube is on fire, The fire dissapears before spreading onto the table, Why does this happen?
If a rooster is sitting on the roof of a barn and lays an egg, it will always roll down the shortest path.
If a doctor gave you three pills with instructions to take one every half hour, when will you take the last one?
Assume you have an old fashioned analog alarm clock. If it is currently 6pm and you want to wake up at 7am tomorrow and you set your clock accordingly. The clock will go off 13 hours later.
Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man's father is my father's son. Who am I?
Do they have a 4th of July in Great Britain?
Some months have 30 days and some have 31. How many have 28?
In California, is it possible for a man to marry his widow's sister?
A doctor walks into an operating room and after looking at a patient says, "I can't operate on him, he's my son." The doctor is not the patient's father. Is this possible?
A plane crashes on the border of Canada and the USA, 60 people die. Where do they bury the survivors?
I have 10 apples and I give all but 6 away, how many do I have left?
Ask Questions?
You Know Common Sense Perfectly!
You Know Common Sense Perfectly!
Your answers calculates that You DEFINITELY understand common sense!
Give yourself a pat on the back!
You do not understand common sense at all
You do not understand common sense at all
Dangit, Maybe
You have no idea what common sense is
Maybe You haven't studied it?