How will you die quiz?
How will you die quiz?
Learn how you will die.
Learn how you will die.
Created by ctuno (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jan 19, 2017
What's your favorite color?
Pick a cat breed.
Whats your hair color?
Do you brush your teeth?
Whats your favorite element?
Hit by a car
Hit by a car
You were supposed to look both ways...
Killed by a clown
Killed by a clown
Stop looking for danger, I know you want to put it on snapchat! This is why the circus is losing money.
You were drowned in bee movie memes, you will not be remembered.
Turn around sometimes, it helps.
What are you, a Scorpio? Who hates you enough to do this?
Old Age
Old Age
Congrats, you're boring. Live a little, die another way.
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