Ilvermorny Sorting Quiz (Pottermore)
Ilvermorny Sorting Quiz (Pottermore)
Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the American wizarding school, located on Mount Greylock in modern day Massachusetts. It accepts students from all over North America. Students of this school, as at Hogwarts in Scotland, are sorted into four houses (Thunderbird, Horned Serpent, Pukwudgie, and Wampus). I'm sure you already know your Hogwarts house, so let's find out your Ilvermorny house! (All 28 questions possible are from Pottermore to give you the most accurate house sorting answer)
Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the American wizarding school, located on Mount Greylock in modern day Massachusetts. It accepts students from all over North America. Students of this school, as at Hogwarts in Scotland, are sorted into four houses (Thunderbird, Horned Serpent, Pukwudgie, and Wampus). I'm sure you already know your Hogwarts house, so let's find out your Ilvermorny house! (All 28 questions possible are from Pottermore to give you the most accurate house sorting answer)

Would you rather?
What's your preference?
Do you prefer to...
You can rescue a baby or the only bottle of a potion that could save 1000 lives. Which do you save?
Which is the better motto?
No curse can work without the victim's secret consent.
I most value...
I would most like to discover...
I challenge...
My greatest weakness is...
If I could I would never feel...
A soulmate is...
My beliefs are...
My best ideas...
All I need is...
I often think...
What would you exchange for your heart's desire?
I wish I knew how to...
My magic is...
When will I learn...
I am strongest when...
What would you least like to lose?
Whose judgement do you most fear?
What jinx would you least like to experience?
Which would you choose if you could only have one?
Where would you least like to find yourself?
Think of the question you would most like answered, by a person or an all-knowing being or device. Which of the following most closely resembles the answer you'd like to hear?
Think of the question you would most like answered, by a person or an all-knowing being or device. Which of the following most closely resembles the answer you'd like to hear? (continued)
Think of the question you would most like answered, by a person or an all-knowing being or device. Which of the following most closely resembles the answer you'd like to hear? (continued)
Horned Serpent
Horned Serpent
Named by Isolt Sayre after the great horned river serpent that has a jewel set into its forehead; Horned Serpent house is sometimes considered to represent the mind of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Horned Serpent favours scholars.
Named by James Steward, after the fiercely independent magical creature the Pukwudgie; Pukwudgie house is sometimes considered to represent the heart of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Pukwudgie favours healers.
Named by Chadwick Boot after his favourite magical beast, the Thunderbird, a beast that can create storms as it flies. Thunderbird house is sometimes considered to represent the soul of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Thunderbird favours adventurers.
Named by Webster Boot after his favourite magical beast, the Wampus; a magical panther-like creature that was fast, strong and almost impossible to kill. Wampus house is sometimes considered to represent the body of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Wampus favours warriors.
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