Which L word character are you?
Which L word character are you?
Which of the characters in 'The L Word' do you have most in common with?
Which of the characters in 'The L Word' do you have most in common with?

What kind of a home do you aspire to create?
Which of the following has caused you trouble in the past?
What kind of profession would you most like to have?
Gay or not, what is your opinion about homosexuality?
How might people misconceive you?
What do you consider most important of the following?
How would you describe your look?
What is your relationship like with your family?
What kind of a person are you attracted to?
You would be voted as...
If a parody of yourself was created, what would the character be like?
Now say something nice about yourself.
What is your idea of a true existential hell?
You command a lot of respect and live an elegant life, endeavouring to surround yourself with beautiful things, live according to your strong principles and follow your powerful ambitions. Some might consider you a bit scary or domineering, and you may not always adhere to your own moral code, but that's what comes with living under such intense pressure. Professional prosperity is important to you, as is art and the right of the individual to express themselves.
You are a charitable care-giver who strives to keep a loving, secure home for yourself and the family you dream of. You depend a lot on other people because you are not hugely outspoken or opinionated or confident, but you find strength in home comforts. You may have some regrets about being too afraid to take leaps of faith or confront your fears, but you don't feel that grand accomplishments are all that important to you, and don't want to make a statement.
You are creative, offbeat and largely misunderstood- that is to be expected for a tortured artist type such as yourself, but you accept that life is messy, and you've done it the hard way. You want to have some intense and emotionally charged experiences so that you can draw inspiration from them and fuel the things you create. In order to do that, you occasionally act out or purposefully add fuel to the fire, which can be dangerous.
You are laid-back, easy going and averse to all kinds of drama- you aren't interested in popular culture or philosophical issues. It's tempting to you to throw caution to the wind and do what you can to forget life's pressures, but although it is appealing not to care, you can't quite accomplish it because you do care a lot about other people. You shy away from responsibility and anything that involves really applying yourself or sharing a lot of yourself, but you are a good friend and know what is important.
You are talkative, bubbly and fun. You aren't afraid to speak your mind, and you have something to say about a lot of things. Sometimes your openness has got you into trouble but you are not ashamed to be yourself and to stand up for what you believe in. People might think you don't have much substance, but as soon as you get them to take you seriously, they will see what an asset you really are.
Your life has been pretty much planned and designed for you and you have been brought up to be generous and to give away a lot of yourself. You endeavor to live in the lap of luxury but things might not always go as planned. You have a lot of good friends, you are sure of yourself, but you might be perceived as uppity or snobby. Once people can see past this facade that makes you feel safe, they feel how much you invest in their wellbeing as well as your own.
You have been to hell and back several times, and your confidence isn't at an all-time high, but your insecurities about yourself can't keep you from doing what you love the most. You might have been dreamy once, but your life experiences have brought you down to earth and now you know what is important, your strengths, your downfalls, and you try your best to keep yourself from repeating past mistakes. The last thing you want to do is disappoint anyone.