How Well Do You Know The Star Wars Universe
How Well Do You Know The Star Wars Universe
A test of your knowledge of various word building elements of the Star Wars Universe.
A test of your knowledge of various word building elements of the Star Wars Universe.

Which of these Lightsaber resistant materials is described as being brittle?
A major Hyperspace lane that cuts through the entire galaxy
What is pictured above
Which company is not considered one of the largest arms manufacturers in the galaxy?
Which class of droids included droids designed for warfare and combat?
Which of these regions is the most coreward?
The Unknown regions are located in which section of the Galaxy?
Which of these hands beats a pure Sabacc?
Which of these species has the longest life span?
The priest caste of the Sith species were called the
How many days are in a galactic standard year?
All of the following words can be found in both the Jedi and Sith codes except?
A common saying in Mando'a the that has many meanings but translates to let's hunt
The name for the ships that carried the Force-sensitive ancestors of the Je'daii Order to Tython in 36,453 BBY,
What is not one of the primary dangers of traveling through Hyperspace
Which planet is not known for their shipyards?
Which of these expletives or vulgar insults are not Huttese
A style of lightsaber combat defined by using two blades
What type of crystals do most Sith use in their lightsabers?
Hyperdrives are rated