What Type Of Bird Are You?
What Type Of Bird Are You?
Are you a calm and meek one, or are you a bold one? The Native American meanings of your bird.
Are you a calm and meek one, or are you a bold one? The Native American meanings of your bird.
What Is Your Personality?
Where Would You Prefer To Live?
What Is Your Favorite Food?
What Color Combinations Are Your Favorite?
What Is MORE Important To You?
"The Hawk flies into your life to bring you an important message. It may come in the mail, an e-mail, a casual remark at the grocery store, a randomly selected page in a book, or even a phrase heard on the radio. Be alert, as the Hawk's message can sometimes be delivered in a subtle fashion. Because of the Hawk's strong energy and power, be wary when expressing yourself. It can be dangerous for you and others because you can put people down too harshly. The Hawk's cycle of power is the spring and fall equinoxes (new moon).
"Many cultures associate the Owl with death, while others sees the Owl as the "night-eagle"-- the bird that embodies shamanism. The Owl has exceptional hearing, and his totem is one of clairaudience- the ability to hear spirits. If the Owl has silently glided into your life, he is asking you to face your own fears and to listen to the messages the spirits are sending you. The Owl's cycle of power is nocturnal-- year round.
"The male peacock and the female Peahen are symbols of insight, knowledge, and intuition. Peacock's feathers are beautifully colored and the circle designs on them symbolize watchful eyes. Those eyes are a reminder for you to use your inner strengths and tune into your higher consciousness. As your totem, he helps you with your self-confidence and self-esteem. Peacock teaches you not to take a back stage-- stand up and be proud of your accomplishments. Peacock's cycle of power is spring and autumn.
"With the Parrot as your totem, it is important for you to pay attention to your communication skills. He reminds you that light is just as important as deep conversation when it comes to nurturing your friendships. It may also be time to take a closer look at some of your friendships that are no longer meaningful and supportive or for you to take a look at how you are treating others. The Parrot can also teach you about the power of colors and light and how they can affect us.
Blue Jay
Blue Jay
"The Blue Jay encourages you to be a little sassy today! If there's something you've been wanting, ask for it. If there's an issue that needs confrontation, don't sweep it under the rug or the Blue Jay will drag it back out into the open. One word of caution, though-- Blue Jays will eat the young of other birds-- so be direct, but not destructive. The Blue Jay's cycle of power is year round."
"Eagle soars high enough to see the grand panorama of life, and yet has vision keen enough to spot a fish a mile away. He is a sign of great power. How is your vision? Are you seeing the big picture or are you only concentrating on the fish? The Eagle is asking you to take a step back so you can once again see the whole. You've gotten so lost in the trees you've forgotten the forest. The Eagle's cycle of power is year round and during daylight.
"The Crow is always on alert for trouble-- and his loud caws warn of impending danger. Very little escapes the Crow's keen vision, which is why many cultures associate the Crow with the keeper of knowledge. The Crow has flapped his way into your life to bring a message of watchfulness-- have you built your nest high enough to really understand what's going on around you? The Crow's cycle of power is year round.
"Sorrow and worry have no place in your life, as Hummingbird's message is one of absolute joy. The Hummingbird's darting movements, flashes of reds and greens, and unmistakable whirring sound are all guaranteed to bring a smile to the face of even the most stern and unfriendly people. As a totem, the Hummingbird also symbolizes accomplishing your goals but having the proper amount of rest to do so. If life has been difficult lately, know that joy is flying your way. The Hummingbird's cycle of power is daytime.