Which Descendants Character Are You?
Which Descendants Character Are You?
Are you a hero or a villain? A prince or a princess? A fashion know-it-all or a nerd? Find out with this quiz!
Are you a hero or a villain? A prince or a princess? A fashion know-it-all or a nerd? Find out with this quiz!

What is your favorite hobby?
Are you a girl or a boy?
What is your favorite color to wear?
Good or Evil?
What would you rather be?
What are you afraid of?
What is your favorite class in school?
And finally, which character would you prefer to get?
You are Mal! Mal is the daughter of Maleficent. A natural born leader, she enjoys drawing and casting spells. Constantly walking the line between good and evil, Mal has a bit of trouble trying to figure out if she is truly evil.
You are Evie! Evie is the daughter of the Evil Queen. She is great at creating her own fashion and communicating with her mirror. She's constantly searching for a prince, but must realize that there's more to her than just a pretty face.
Carlos De Vil
Carlos De Vil
You got Carlos! Carlos is the son of Cruella De Vil. He is smart, loyal, witty and has a deathly fear of dogs. Carlos has yet to realize that dogs are not vicious rabbit pack animals, but can be great friends.
You are Jay! Jay is the loyal son of Jafar. Jay has a talent for stealing and scheming. He is also a great athlete. Jay constantly uses his strength to barrel through anything in his way, but he must realize that his talent can be harnesses for good.
Prince Ben
Prince Ben
You got Ben! Ben is the son of King Beast and Queen Belle. Next in line for the throne, Ben is caring, brave, and not afraid of change. Ben is confident in himself and his choices, but his choice to invite the villain kids to Auradon might have him second-guessing his decision.
You got Audrey! Audrey is the daughter of Aurora and Prince Phillip. She is the cheer leading captain and has a knack for fashion. Unfortunately, she's a bit self-absorbed and clingy, so she needs to learn that she doesn't need a man to make her feel better about herself. She is already beautiful.
You are Lonnie! Lonnie is the daughter of Mulan and Shang. She is a kind and good-hearted soul who enjoys Martial Arts and hip hop dance. Lonnie is always willing to help out, even with the new villain kids.
You are Doug! Doug is the son of Dopey, the most playful and silly of the Seven Dwarfs. He plays several instruments and is in the marching band. Doug is a little shy, but when doing something he loves, his true confidence is brought about.