Which Chabad Yeshivah Position is for You?

If you worked in a Chabad yeshivah, what position would you have? And if you already work in a Chabad yeshivah... are you sure you have the right job? Take this quiz to find out!

Daniel Granovetter
Created by Daniel Granovetter(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 21, 2015

Do you have zitzfleish?

Are you able to be strict?

How are you regarding neatness?

How do talmidim see you?

What's your stand on vacation?

Your keenest money-management skill?

What's your stand on yeshivah food?

What should the role of shluchim be in your opinion?

Rosh Yeshivah

Rosh Yeshivah

You are the big he himself! You run everything, multi-tasking very well, while also serving as a mentor and an inspiration for your talmidim.

This quiz had been brought to you by Chassidic Adventure Classics. Feel free to visit our website: www.JewishKidsBooks.com

Director of Development

Director of Development

In other words, you are the yeshivah fundraiser. You are good at raising money and managing the yeshivah's funds. Where would the yeshivah be without you?

This quiz had been brought to you by Chassidic Adventure Classics. Feel free to visit our website: www.JewishKidsBooks.com

Maggid Shiur

Maggid Shiur

Teaching nigleh is your thing! It gives you nachas to see your talmidim grow and thrive in their learning, and become real lamdanim.

This quiz had been brought to you by Chassidic Adventure Classics. Feel free to visit our website: www.JewishKidsBooks.com



Teaching Chassidus is your thing! It gives you nachas to see your talmidim grow and thrive in their learning, and become real temimim.

This quiz had been brought to you by Chassidic Adventure Classics. Feel free to visit our website: www.JewishKidsBooks.com



Well, someone has to be the tough one! It's your job to make sure the talmidim are all in check, and that this yeshivah does not turn into a camp!

This quiz had been brought to you by Chassidic Adventure Classics. Feel free to visit our website: www.JewishKidsBooks.com

Building Manager

Building Manager

You keep the yeshivah building in good shape, the better for the rebbeim to be able to teach and for the talmidim to be able to learn!

This quiz had been brought to you by Chassidic Adventure Classics. Feel free to visit our website: www.JewishKidsBooks.com



Food is your business. You cook good meals for the talmidim, so that they should have koach to learn Torah!

This quiz had been brought to you by Chassidic Adventure Classics. Feel free to visit our website: www.JewishKidsBooks.com



Hey, cleanliness is close to G-dliness, after all!

This quiz had been brought to you by Chassidic Adventure Classics. Feel free to visit our website: www.JewishKidsBooks.com

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On Nov 18, 2021