Are You Smart Enough To Recognize These Commonly Misused Phrases?
Are You Smart Enough To Recognize These Commonly Misused Phrases?
Well...are you?
Well...are you?
You are smarter than 96% of the population!!
You are smarter than 96% of the population!!
Only 4% of the human population can get the same result as you did!
You have a truly unique mind that can spot all the misused phrases!
On top of that, you're very patient when you need to be and that gives you the peace of mind to actually concentrate and reach the right conclusion instead of giving up like 40% of the population.
You are an idiom master!
You are an idiom master!
You were able to recognize almost all the misused idioms! You have a super sharp eye that can instantly spot phrases that are incorrect! We are super impressed!
You sometimes misuse phrases
You sometimes misuse phrases
Most of them time you are able to spot misused phrases but sometimes your laser eye is fooled! Not too are part of the majority. Study up on your idioms and you will be an idiom expert in no time!