What Percentage Royal Are You Really?
What Percentage Royal Are You Really?
The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge have just announced they are pregnant with their third child. It seems like the appropriate time to see if you can roll with the royals! Find out now if you have any royal blood running through your veins.
The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge have just announced they are pregnant with their third child. It seems like the appropriate time to see if you can roll with the royals! Find out now if you have any royal blood running through your veins.

Choose which city you'd rather visit:
What's your gender identity?
What kind of ruler would you rather be?
Choose a crown:
Which language do you think sounds more beautiful?
What would you rather wear to your coronation?
What's your greatest strength?
You are 90% royal, 10% regular
You are 90% royal, 10% regular
You definitely have that royal blood running through your veins!! You have major potential to run an entire country! Very few people have the traits that make up a good leader.
You are compassionate and strong, you only want to make the world a better place! Go on your royal highness... go make your mark on the world!!
You are 90% regular, 10% royal
You are 90% regular, 10% royal
You are more the regular joe than a royal! You prefer to be down to earth rather than have your head in the clouds. You are more of an introvert and you do not like to be the center of attention. You prefer to go about your business privately and while you still try to make the world a better place, you do it in an annonymous way!
You are 50% royal, 50% regular
You are 50% royal, 50% regular
You are combination of both traits! You have some of those royal qualities within your personality and you are the type of person who chooses the correct time to reveal these traits! You possess the qualities of a great leader yet you still enjoy spending time in the shadows.