3 Tips on How to Turn Things Around with an Unsatisfied Customer

An unsatisfied customer can be tough to reconcile with, and at times it's hard to salvage the relationship. Here are three tips on what to do when talking to an angry customer so that you can make sure you're able to provide them with the best customer care out there! You can read more on iwantitnow.walkme.com.

Danielle Harrison
Created by Danielle Harrison (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 17, 2016

Stop Talking and Just Listen!

Allow the customer to explain why they're upset without interrupting. Creating that bond of trust by listening to them makes for a smoother relationship in the future.


Respond Quickly and With The Correct Information

Only answer your customer with accurate information. Don't make promises you can't keep, so if you have to let them down make sure to let them down easy. As a customer service agent you should always know your stuff.


Remain Empathetic

Remain cool, calm and collected. When you keep your tone even and leave your emotions out of it, the customer is more likely to respond to your help. The customer isn't angry at you specifically, they're upset with the service. So, give them a reason not to be anymore.

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