Which Element, According to the Godai, Fits You Most?
Which Element, According to the Godai, Fits You Most?
The Godai is an ancient classification system that began in India, spread to Tibet then China, and was finally sharpened in Japan. It uses the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void (the last being like a hodgepodge of the others and also something indefinable) to reveal what your personality is mostly like. This also helps you in your relationships with others-- even showing you what kind of mate to look for! It helps in business, martial arts and, well, everything. That's because we are elements
The Godai is an ancient classification system that began in India, spread to Tibet then China, and was finally sharpened in Japan. It uses the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void (the last being like a hodgepodge of the others and also something indefinable) to reveal what your personality is mostly like. This also helps you in your relationships with others-- even showing you what kind of mate to look for! It helps in business, martial arts and, well, everything. That's because we are elements
Would you say you are more solid and stable, or more emotional and adaptable?
Do you relate more to hard things, like bones and rocks, or do you relate more to plants?
Do you feel you have more warmth, enjoyment and control over your environment, or more freedom and service to others?
Do you feel more inclined to seek pleasure or more inclined to offer compassion to a friend?
Are you so creative you have left others behind, or are you more the type that prefers your life to be solid and not changing?
Do you relate more to power, creativity, spontaneity and living outside the box, or more to feeling emotional, flexible, and adaptive to life?
Do you feel more that life is meant to be explored and have your energy put into it, or more that you just want to be a helping hand to others and give people a shoulder to cry on?
You are predominantly the Earth Element. This means that you are generally highly resistant to change, like a stone. Words that define you are: stubbornness, collectiveness, stability, physicality, and gravity. You are often sure of your actions and feel confident, which can be positive. For example, if a loved one dies, you comfort those around you with your strength. A negative side of this element is self-defeating stubbornness. Let's say your mate dies, as above. But this time you get caught in refusing to acknowledge that any change has occurred, so you go on acting like no one has died.
Earth contains Water. These two elements can help each other. Water (flexibility/emotional) helps Earth to be softer. Earth (solidity) helps Water to be stronger, and more resilient. However, you two can drive each other crazy without spirits receptive to change.
You are primarily in the Water element. Words that categorize you are: emotion, defensiveness, adaptability, flexibility, suppleness, and magnetism. You have great strength in that you adapt well to any situation. However, at times you tend to be overly emotional, and have probably been told that by others. Some other elemental types may label you as 'flighty' or 'flaky,' but you feel they are stuck in their own minds, too stubborn to change. You might say about yourself that you are just very good at reacting to whatever life throws at you. Let's say a loved one dies. The positive side of the Water is that you are flexible and can adopt a new way of life that honors the one who passed away. The negative side of the Water to a loved one dying, however, might be that you retreat into all-consuming pain and grief.
Earth is a good element for Water, as Earth types tend to contain you when you are losing yourself to emotion at inopportune times.
You are predominantly a Fire type. You have great drive and passion; words and traits that define you are: security, motivation, desire, intention, and an outgoing spirit. You have dynamic aggression, which does not mean violence. Instead, it means ENERGY, and in this you have an abundance. Let's say a loved one dies. The positive side of the Fire element is that you may spend many hours and days recalling with great warmth and love the good times you shared with the one who passed. In this same scenario, the negative side of the Fire element is that you become overwhelmingly fearful for your future because your sense of security has been shattered.
The Fire element pairs well with a Water element. When you get too energetic, a Water sign will cool you down and get you back in touch with your emotions. When the Water element is wallowing in their emotions, you can help them get out and feel the warmth and energy of life!
You are predominantly living in the Wind element. You are an open-minded person who has spent their life in pursuit of knowledge. Words that define you are: the will, elusiveness, evasiveness, benevolence, empathy, compassion, and wisdom. You probably thought there were some words missing from this list that should be there for you. That is from your intelligence, and your need to grow. You have very conscious interactions with others, and are either already serving others in some important way, or thinking about it. The Wind element is a very highly evolved way of thinking and living. Let's say a loved one dies. The positive side of the Wind element is that you understand your loved one has simply moved onto some new, undefinable, great adventure. The negative side for the same scenario is that you may become lost in over-intellectualizing why the loved one died and try to find out exactly what happened to them after death.
Wind elements pair well with Fire elements because they enjoy the warmth and energy of the Fire sign to learn and to experience life. The Fire sign, in turn, loves how the Wind sign leads them higher to a road of energetic service and compassion for others.
You are a Void element. You have great spirit and creative energy. You redefine absolutely everything and live so far outside the box that the box doesn't exist anymore. Words that might define you are: power, creativity, spontaneity, and inventiveness. You are an artist in some form or another, even if it just with your life itself. You are powerful and have been called by many names throughout life: sage, yogi, grandmaster, poet/poetess/author/authoress/painter/sculptor/dancer/avant-garde musician, etc. You have done something totally new and viable in your work. When you work it feels like play, and the universe teaches you, but you know, you are also teaching it. You feel comfortable in any element at any time. At this level of elemental growth, there are no positives or negatives to your life. You are beyond such silly concepts as 'good' versus 'bad.' You make your own 'rules,' or whatever you may or may not call them.
The Void element pairs well with anyone. However, Void with Wind produces dynamic thoughts and calm living. Void paired with Fire can be a nice balance as Void enjoys the Fire's energy and warmth. Void with water provides many touching moments as Void witnesses Water's emotions. Void with Earth can be a good, secure foundation that compliments the other. Void elements also choose much of the time to just remain solitary. They enjoy their own company quite well.