How Broke Are You?
How Broke Are You?
Are you thrifty or just plain broke?
Are you thrifty or just plain broke?

You're off to buy a coffee before your working day starts. How much would you reasonably pay?
You get the bill at the end of dinner with friends - how do you split the bill?
How far into your overdraft are you?
What does a standard weekday dinner look like?
How often do you get a takeaway?
It's late, it's raining and it's cold. Your bus is late. What do you do?
You need to get your hair done. What's your game plan?
What would you do for £50?
You notice a hole in your jeans - what do you do?
Would you ever eat leftover food from someone else's plate?
Super broke
Super broke
Oh dear - you're super broke. You can find it hard to make ends meet and you often have to cut back on things you want or need to make sure you can pay for rent and food. You're a veteran of charity shops and know how to feed yourself for a tenner a week - your thriftiness will make you survive this rough patch though and although you dream of having a bit more cash to hand, you're doing just fine.
Kind of broke
Kind of broke
You're kind of broke. You're not completely broke, and can probably afford a cup of coffee or posh sandwich as a treat for lunch, but you're definitely not rolling in it. Keep saving!
Not broke at all
Not broke at all
You're not broke at all. You might not be celebrity-rich, but you're doing alright. You don't have to worry about making ends meet at the end of the month, and payday is more of a luxury than a necessity. Well done!