Are You More Dark Side Or Rebel Alliance?
Are You More Dark Side Or Rebel Alliance?
Darth Vader or Han Solo?
Darth Vader or Han Solo?

You wake up in a galaxy far, far away. Your ship is meandering through deep space, but you’re getting peckish. Where do you head for?
You land, and quickly find a space-cantina. What food do you order?
And to drink?
Uh-oh - a hostile-looking bug creature is yelling at you in an alien tongue. How do you respond?
Now to buy some fuel so you can continue your journey. What’s your method of transportation?
Good work. You’re re-fuelled and back in space. But now you’re under attack - laser fire is erupting around you. What do you do?
You realise that someone was sending the spacecraft to hunt you down. What should your next move be?
You decide you need an ally in case you’re attacked again. Who do you choose?
Oh no! Something went wrong and, well, long story short, you’re two minutes away from being cryogenically frozen in carbonate. How do you want to be remembered?
Aaaand, in an equally complicated and fortuitous twist of events, you’re rescued and defrosted by a team of loyal friends. How do you celebrate?
You're with the Rebel Alliance!
You're with the Rebel Alliance!
Well done, space cowboy - you may be a rogue, but the choices you’ve made prove you’re a true hero committed to doing right and saving the universe. You’d rather take the long hard path to success than cheat your way there, and for that reason, you’re well-respected amongst the Jedi ranks. Good work.
You're on the Dark Side!
You're on the Dark Side!
Well, you’re certainly a force to be reckoned with. Strength, power and influence are your motivating factors, and if you have to do whatever it takes to get them, then so be it. Whatever else anyone can say, you’re feared and respected in equal measure…plus, everyone knows the the dark side is just way more fun...