What Should Your Halloween Costume Be Based On The Kind Of Student You Are?
What Should Your Halloween Costume Be Based On The Kind Of Student You Are?
Stuck for something to wear this Halloween? Take this quiz and rock up to the party in an outfit reflective of your university persona.
Stuck for something to wear this Halloween? Take this quiz and rock up to the party in an outfit reflective of your university persona.

Your university bedroom is
What's in your fridge?
Your 1pm lecture has been cancelled last minute and you now have a two-hour gap. What do you do?
In a group project you
Which university society is the most you?
How do you spend your weekends?
Which of these famous examples best represents your university friendship group?
Your final degree will be
Random Sexy Fluffy Animal
Random Sexy Fluffy Animal
In class, you are the one with the pristine hair and on-point outfit when everybody else looks like they’ve just crawled out of bed. You’re not going to go out looking hideous, not for Halloween, not for anyone. You might have worn the same costume three years on the trot but who cares, it works.. Chances are you'll drop out in second year and get a job in retail.
Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage
You sometimes cause a stir with your opinions, but you kind of like that. Nothing like a heated debate to liven up a long day of lectures. Your course mates aren’t quite sure how to take you and your self-belief coupled with your position on the edge of reason means some of your relationships with people in your class are fragile at best, volatile at worst. You'll graduate with a great final mark, but might have to make new friends.
A Scientific Theory
A Scientific Theory
Your tradition of spending copious time, money and effort on a costume nobody can identify is mirrored in your tendency to recommend obscure music, films, and series’ that your course mates are definitely not going to watch / listen to. You’re a puzzle, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in an enigma who is intriguing, but often misunderstood. You will most likely scrape through your degree by the skin of your teeth after some very stern warnings regarding attendance.
Skinhead Britney
Skinhead Britney
You operate at the extreme ends of the personality scale, when you want something done a certain way, you have the power and authority to make it happen. However, you also possess a troubled soul and occasionally your emotions come to the fore to reveal a fragile, chaotic interior. You'll get a good degree in the end but there will be tears, breakdowns and slanging matches en route.
Ash Ketchum
Ash Ketchum
Wow. You’re a pretty well-rounded, awesome person to have in class. You’re the cool-headed one when group work becomes heated, you have an insatiable work ethic, make time for others and get the best results. Every course needs someone like you and others secretly want to be as talented as you.
Ali G
Ali G
Always the fastest to a pun, quip or witty remark, your sense of humour provides light entertainment throughout the day but it’s unclear whether people are laughing with you, at you or just cringing inside. The effort you go to maintaining your status as class clown would sometimes be better applied to your work but your big personality will carry you where you want to go in life.