Guess the 5SOS song

Can you guess all this song lyrics? Go find out!

Created by dannyirwin (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 10

Which song are the next lyrics from?
'Runaways we're the long lost children'

2 / 10

Which song are the next lyrics from?
'When I got out I knew that nobody I knew would be believing me'

3 / 10

Which song are the next lyrics from?
'We can run down the streets with stars in our eyes'

4 / 10

Which song are the next lyrics from?
'The blood in my veins is made up of mistakes'

5 / 10

Which song are the next lyrics from?
'It's been two years now you haven't even seen the best of me'

6 / 10

Which song are the next lyrics from?
'The colors in her hair don't seem to fade'

7 / 10

Which song are the next lyrics from?
'But when I drove by I could see his mom was home'

8 / 10

Which song are the next lyrics from?
'I think she wants to get with me'

9 / 10

Which song are the next lyrics from?
'Holding onto a dream while she watches these walls fall down'

10 / 10

Which song are the next lyrics from?
'I don't even see my friends no more cause I keep hanging out with you'

Questions left
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