Clone Wars Legion Quiz - StarWarsMC
Clone Wars Legion Quiz - StarWarsMC
For StarWarsMC, although anyone can take it for fun.
For StarWarsMC, although anyone can take it for fun.
First Three Questions will be Scenarios, Here we go:
(Scenario) You are on the front line of battle, and the droids are beginning to overrun the front lines. What do you do?
(Scenario) Your transport ship crashes, you don't know where you are, and your comms aren't intact. What do you do?
(Scenario) You are in the midst of battle, and suddenly a Sith begins charging the battlefront, what do you do?
What is your preferred battle position?
When fighting a group of enemies, which of these is a better tactic?
Which of these would you prefer to use in battle?
Which of these infantry weapons would you prefer?
Which of these would you get the most use out of?
You can only save one piece of information from the following, which do you save?
Lastly, we have another scenario-like question.
You are Commander of an Attack Legion, which of these strategies do you use to assault the Droid Factory?
The 501st was the finest and most well-known legion in the Clone Wars. They go on wide varieties of missions, and are lead by Jedi Generals: Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano.
They were also lead by Clone Captain: CT-7567, Captain Rex.
212th Attack Battalion
212th Attack Battalion
The 212th was known for its elite airborne troopers. This Legion includes Paratroopers, Pilots, and many other airborne squads. It mainly focuses on attack missions such as assaults on droid bases. It is lead by Jedi General: Obi-Wan Kenobi. And Clone Commander CC-2224, Commander Cody.
41st Elite Corps.
41st Elite Corps.
The 41st Elite Corps was composed of many AT-RT drivers and BARC(Biker Advanced Recon Commando) troopers. They mainly preform reconnaissance and aid in assault missions at the front lines, piloting turrets and AT-RTs. They are lead by Jedi General: Luminara Unduli. And Clone Commander: CC-1004, Commander Gree.
104th Battalion"Wolfpack"
104th Battalion"Wolfpack"
The 104th Battalion consisted mainly of Fighter Pilots/Gunship/Trasport Pilots and Gunners. They have one squad dedicated to support in various missions with Jet-Troops. Lead by Jedi General: Plo Koon. And Clone Commander: CC-3636, Commander Wolffe.
Galactic Marines
Galactic Marines
Originally called the 21st Nova Corps, the Galactic Marines were famous for their distinctive armor and
relentlessness in combat. They wore synthmesh designed to keep out various hazards such as snow, sand, airborne fungus, and ash. They preform a wide variety of missions and spend much time as infantry out on the field. Led by Jedi General: Ki-Adi-Mundi. And Clone Commander: CC-1138, Commander Bacara.
327th Star Corps.
327th Star Corps.
327th Star Corps are a Defense-Only Unit. They were the primary defense, patrolling all Head-Quarters and bunking down the front lines of battle. They were lead by Jedi General: Aayla Secura. And Clone Commander: CC-5052, Commander Bly
Royal Guard
Royal Guard
The Royal Guard is in charge of keeping the peace on the Republic's capital and other Republic-controlled areas. They patrol the streets of various planets as riot troopers, as well as guarded prisoners at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, and even guarded high-authority people as bodyguards. They are lead by Clone Commander: CC-1010, Commander Fox.
Led by Jedi Master Mace Windu, the 187th is known for it's stealth role in battle. Whilst the fight roars ahead, they para-drop in and lie low behind enemy lines, utilizing cloaking devices implanted into their specialized armor.