Which Kitchen Utensil Are You?
Which Kitchen Utensil Are You?
One of life's great questions! Are you sharp and direct like a knife? Or are you warm and cuddly like the spoon? Come find out!
One of life's great questions! Are you sharp and direct like a knife? Or are you warm and cuddly like the spoon? Come find out!

When a team project comes up at work or school you...
Your assignment gets completed and your team gets special praise. Who takes the credit?
You come across a strange dog, that seems to be lost. What do you do?
Which non-fiction book would you rather read?
You've won a 1,000$ prize! (Not really, but let's pretend) What do you spend it on?
Since we're talking about utensils - do you cook?
Do you see yourself as more academic, athletic, or creative?
You meet someone you really like and are extremely attracted to. What do you do?
Finish this thought: "My greatest strength is___"
Which best matches your current, or desired, occupation?
You are a spoon! You are honest, consistent, and trustworthy. Intellectually, you are extremely well-rounded and like to learn as much as you can, from as many sources as possible. Personally, you are a sweet, affectionate person, who wears their heart of their sleeve. And, of course, you love a good cuddle! Whether you're the big spoon, or the little spoon, we can't say for sure.
You are a fork! You are ambitious, proactive, and always get the job done! Forthcoming by nature but not maliciously so, people look to you for leadership, a role you often take by default. You take pride in your work, and it shows! You are direct and punctual, and have a low tolerance for wishy-washy, indecisive people. The maker didn't give you a four pronged head of awesomeness to be a slacker, now did he/she/it!
You are a knife! You're rather aggressive! ...Or at least that's what most people seem to think. In reality, you are just sincerely sharp (in both mind and wit) and a very direct person. Your presence is intimidating, and your words can be too, if you choose for them to be. You try not to use this as a way to bully people, though you tend to get what you want - when you want it. Through this, though, you're very moral and will defend your position - and sometimes other people, whenever it's needed. Always better to have a knife fighting for you than against you, right?
Metal Spatula!
Metal Spatula!
Ahhhh, Sir Flipper! You are a metal spatula! Some people see you as being flighty or indecisive, but what do they know? Or wait.... DO they know!? In actuality, you're always trying to see things from other peoples' perspectives, and being empathetic, so it can be hard to form a solid opinion. You're also an extremely helpful person. You're more of a team player than a leader, but that's OK! The world could use more team players. You work as hard as you play, and people respect and appreciate that.
You are a whisk! You have a lot of ambition, but you're also a little unorganized. This, however, lends you to the "everywhere at once" type, which can be extremely useful with multitasking. You're spontaneous and enthusiastic about life, and people really enjoy your energy! Sometimes you can be all-over-the-place with your plans and projects. But when you really put your head down and get to work, you yield amazing results!
Kitchen Shears
Kitchen Shears
You are kitchen shears! You are clever, clever, clever! You're a jack-of-all-trades, a self-teacher, and a super productive person. All of your friends seek you out for advice because even if you don't know the answer to their question - you'll find out soon enough! All of that said, you do have the tendency to be a lone wolf. You function best when left to your own devices, but aren't afraid to ask for help when you need it.