The Definitive Test For Your Type Of Criminal Mind!
The Definitive Test For Your Type Of Criminal Mind!
How twisted do you think you really are deep down on the inside?
How twisted do you think you really are deep down on the inside?

We already know you have some serious problem seeing as you clicked this quiz...
Choose a color:
Why did you choose that color?
Who would be your criminal target?
What do you like the most?
Would you ever do something criminal for fun!?
Who taught you your criminal minded skills?
Choose a criminal lair, and be smart!
Why did you choose that criminal lair, cross your T's and dot your I's!
Choose a piece:
....Serial Killer
....Serial Killer
So let me begin by saying that you have 99 problems and being sane ain't one. I mean, it's not every day that you have the guts to be a serial killer!
You would be the type of person that the Joker is, a lot of crazy loco-bananas lurking in the belfry of your consciousness. I wouldn't want to see you on a bad day (much less see you at all!).
I suppose you wouldn't targeting quiz makers with cheesy jokes, though, huh? So I'm safe, right?
Grand Larceny Specialist
Grand Larceny Specialist
Whenever I think of grand larceny, I think of a cat burglar. I think of someone who is SO slick, SO sly, and SO sneaky that you take what's not yours (and I usually imagine diamonds, so let's go with the diamonds thing).
You would be sneaky as they get - you'd go into a silent room and leave with all the jewels! Not even Cat Woman herself would have skin against you!
So go out in buy some raggedy black hoodie and get to work!
You would be the worst type of person. Now JUST when you think a would be serial killer pops up, we run into a word that I made up JUST for you - a Genocider.
You see, you wouldn't be happy with just killing a few people here and there - you need to take out the WHOLE city! Seriously, get yourself checked out. I'm sure you're an upstanding citizen, but find a psychiatrist and tell them you're a would be genocider and I'm sure they'll think a little differently!
Don't mix any bombs up in your freetime, you Creep~
Out of the most people take this quiz, you have the right amount of criminal in you. You would be a hitman!
Of course, this means that you're pretty selfish, arrogant, and probably a jerk - but that's alright! You'll have some drop dead gorgeous person fall in love with the sweetness inside your hard shell. That's how all the 007 movies go!
There is also the fact that you'll lose your life every time you get hired.... so we'll call you being a jerk even?
Oh goodness... I didn't know that so many sissies took this little quiz of mine... *cough* loser *cough*
You don't have the guts it takes to be a criminal! So all you'd be is a big loser! The Criminal Together Organization has banned you from their meetings, and it's about time you get home to your mommy!
You wouldn't want your parents worrying about you from staying out past 5PM, right? Go get tucked in and told a fairytale by Mommy and Daddy~