Which Character From The Magicians Are You?
Which Character From The Magicians Are You?
We're stepping our magical cookies up.
We're stepping our magical cookies up.

Choose a word to take with you into Brakebills University, the school of magic.
Which of the following are you attracted to?
What type of magic will you specialize in?
Despite what TYPE of magic you use, the WAY you use it will decide if you're truly good or evil. Choose a side.
Which color will your magic manifest as?
In our imaginary world, you have a dream with a reoccurring animal - which animal was it?
We skipped 40 years into the future! Choose the magic class that you'd teach to the seniors Brakebills.
Fairy dust is a very rare ingredient that can grant quite a few miracles for a limited amount of time. Choose a miracle.
There is always a cost for great magic, which side effect of the fairy dust seems the least bad?
Choose what you will end by: fire... or ice.
Quentin Coldwater
Quentin Coldwater
Quentin has always been on the outside looking in. He's awkward, unsure, over thinks everything, He's the sort of guy always pining from afar (especially for his childhood best friend, Julia).
You are not like the rest of the crowd, and that is in a cute - rather comfortably strange way. You understand the subtleties of what it means to wield magic and that's why you would be Quentin!
It also doesn't hurt that you're definitely main character material!
Alice Quinn
Alice Quinn
Alice is a phenomenally talented magician, but you'd never hear that from her. In fact, you never hear much of anything from her. Alice is painfully shy, but that all evaporates when she's practicing magic.
Your potential is limitless, unsurprising so. I can sense your past is filled with a darkness that you are actively trying to overcome, and that will make you stronger in your path to greatness.
William "Penny" Adiyodi
William "Penny" Adiyodi
For Penny to know you is for Penny to loathe you. Perpetual annoyance might be the best way to describe his demeanor. It'd be less infuriating if Penny wasn't so talented.
You can be a bit of a loner sometimes, some people might think you're a jerk, but you're genuinely interested in the well being of the people important to you - and that's not something one can ignore. That's why you're William.
This guy can go anywhere he can imagine, even across dimensions - it's some seriously cool stuff.
Eliot Waugh
Eliot Waugh
Eliot is one of the more established students at Brakebills. He's got an opinion on everything and - if you ask him - it's usually right.
You enjoy having fun, but you also realize that all things come with a price. That's why you're Eliot. You also have a great sense of style and aesthetic that are just overshadowed by your loyalty to your friends.
Eliot also makes a mean cocktail, get into it.
Julia Wicker
Julia Wicker
Julia, Quentin's longtime best friend, has always been a perfectionist and an overachiever. She's embraced pragmatism; a nice apartment, a respectable boyfriend, an acceptance to Yale. Everything Julia has wanted, Julia's gotten. Except for magic.
You do not when you're tired, you stop when the job is done - and when it's done well! You focus on being the best of the best, and while that's not easy, you surely do it!
Margo Hanson
Margo Hanson
She's not a bitch; she's just honest. At least, that's what Margo will tell you. She's as equally gifted in partying as she is magic.
In fact, just like a Margo whole bunch of beautiful controversies: intellectual, yet academically unfocused, reserved yet social. There is one thing we've learned to expect from you, the unexpected.