Only Emotionally Intelligent People Passed This Spelling Test
Only Emotionally Intelligent People Passed This Spelling Test
Your emotional vocabulary reflects the level of your emotional intelligence.
Your emotional vocabulary reflects the level of your emotional intelligence.

Pick the correct spelling:
You are definitely emotionally intelligent!!
You are definitely emotionally intelligent!!
You passed!! You have a vigorous emotional vocabulary!!
People who scored as high as you are balanced and self-aware. They embrace change, and know their strengths and weaknesses well.
Being an emotionally intelligent person means you do not dwell on the past. You devote your energy to solving problems and moving forward. You are relentlessly positive and curious about the future, and you do not let anybody limit your happiness.
Let us know in a comment below if we're spot on, and share the news with the world.
FAILED!!! - You are way to cool for this.
FAILED!!! - You are way to cool for this.
You failed the emotional vocabulary test. You are too cool for this kind of stuff. Share the word!!