What Gunslinger From The West Would Ride With You? I Reckon You Should Answer These Here Questions, Partner
What Gunslinger From The West Would Ride With You? I Reckon You Should Answer These Here Questions, Partner
The wild west was one of the most entertaining periods in history. There is one mighty gunslinger from the west who would want you to ride with them. Take this quiz and we'll determine which gunslinger it is.
The wild west was one of the most entertaining periods in history. There is one mighty gunslinger from the west who would want you to ride with them. Take this quiz and we'll determine which gunslinger it is.

Would you prefer to work for a ruthless outlaw or one with a set of morals and ethics?
What is the main reason you want to ride with an outlaw gunslinger from the West?
Would you rather ride into the sunset? Or go out in a blaze of glory?
Sometimes outlaws would be recruited as deputies or bounty hunters in towns with no ability to enforce the law. Would you want to ride with an outlaw who has worked in law enforcement?
Many gunslingers in the West served in the Civil War or other conflicts. Would you want to serve alongside a former soldier? Or one who never went to war?
Some gunslingers became paid assassins? Would you ever work for a hitman for hire?
Many gunslingers were forced to spend time in prison due to their crimes. Would you prefer to work for an outlaw who did time in jail or avoided arrest?
Select the film below which you would most want to be portrayed in.
James “Wild Bill” Hickok
James “Wild Bill” Hickok
Wild Bill is thought to have killed over 100 men. Although he has been portrayed as a "good guy" in books and film, much evidence supports the idea he was anything but. He was shot and killed during a poker game when he insulted his assailant. At the time, Wild Bill's hand consisted of Aces & Eights, now known as the "dead man's hand".
Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
Wyatt Earp
Wyatt Earp
Dallas Stoudenmire
Dallas Stoudenmire
This gunslinger of the west eventually became the Sheriff of El Paso, Texas, the most dangerous place in the west. Dallas had an idea on how to rid the place of criminals, however: He'd shoot them all. Eventually, someone got him when he was 36 though.
John Wesley Hardin
John Wesley Hardin
John Wesley Hardin was sent to prison for 25 years for his crimes and came out a rehabilitated man. After being released after 17 years, he became a lawyer until someone shot him in the head.
Jim “Killer” Miller
Jim “Killer” Miller
Jim "Killer" Miller found work as a paid assassin in the old West. It's not exactly a job for the weak. When Miller was arrested at the start of the 20th century, the townsfolk broke into the prison just so they could be the ones to hang him.